Some tips that might help you during…

ENROLMENT - Enrolment is actually an important part of the semester. So don’t take it for granted. It is the time to choose the classes, schedules and teachers you will work with for the rest of the semester. That’s why it’s important to choose the best and not settle for anything less. It is better to exert a little more effort during enrolment than to sweat it out for the rest of the sem.

PRELIMS – The first exams are usually the easiest. (Probably because it covers the basics or the fundamentals). So take advantage of the easy exam and get a high grade so you can use it as a cushion in case you find the succeeding exams more difficult than expected.

MID TERMS – By this time you should already have an idea of how the lessons go and how your teachers teach. You should also know your class standing so you can compute the best and worst case scenarios and compare it with your expected grades. This way you can make the proper adjustments and preparations for the remainder of the sem.

PRE FINALS – It’s cramming time. It’s the time to do all the dirty tricks to be able to meet your expected grades. This would probably be the busiest time of the year. Do everything you can to get a better grade (or at least pass). Anyway, vacation time is just around the corner.


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